Today your tooth was prepared to receive a crown, which will be placed within the next two weeks. Once the permanent crown is placed, the tooth will be much stronger than before and will be able to better resist fractures. Keep in mind that good oral hygiene habits at home will be a major factor in your comfort during the time you are wearing your temporary crown.
- You will continue to be under the effects of the anesthetic for several hours following your treatment. Depending on the type of anesthetic you had, the lower arch will most likely stay numb longer than the upper arch.
- Please use caution when eating or drinking anything while numb. We recommend a soft and moderate temperature diet during this time. Avoid hot, hard or chewy foods so you do not burn or bite yourself for the next few hours.
- Occasionally there is soreness in the injection site, which can last a day or two. If soreness persists, ibuprofen or acetaminophen may help with this discomfort.
- The tissue around this tooth may be tender for a day or so. Warm salt water rinses will soothe the gum tissue. If soreness persists, ibuprofen or acetaminophen may also help with any post-operative sensitivity.
- It is not unusual to experience some sensitivity to hot or cold with the temporary crown.
- Be sure to keep the area around the temporary crown clean by brushing and flossing. Remember to pull the floss out by the side, so you don’t loosen your temporary crown.
- Avoid sticky foods such as gum, taffy, caramels, etc. They can pull the crown off.
- Avoid hard foods such as nuts because they can break the crown.
- When taking any medications, be sure to read the label for directions, allergy alerts and warnings. Follow directions on the label or as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
- If you experience sensitivity to pressure, pain that wakes you up when you’re sleeping, or spontaneous pain that occurs when you are not eating or drinking.
- If the temporary crown comes off, the tooth may be sensitive, but it should not ache. You can place a dab of Vaseline, toothpaste or Polygrip in the temporary crown and place it back on your tooth. Hopefully, this will keep the temporary crown in place until you can get in to have us re-cement it on.